Anagram Solver
Enter up to 12 letters into the anagram solver, words from a large open source dictionary suitable for the Scrabble® crossword game are found. Up to three ? characters can be used as wildcards.
An anagram solver for the Scrabble® crossword game. We also offer solvers for facebook games like Wordscraper, Scrabulous, Lexulous, and Jumble Solver. We use a large open source dictionary to help you find the best anagram words.
Enter up to 12 letters into the anagram solver, including up to three '?' as wild cards. The Anagram Solver will generate words from the official tournament dictionary for you to use in your online games.
Anagrams are formed by taking an ordinary word and rearranging the letters. The anagram solver compares these letters to all the possible words that those letters could make. We unscramble the tiles and give you the best possible words.
Also try out Scrabble Word Finder which includes word lists.